Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Midweek meander.

The Slowness of a Hand-Stitched Line.
I have been making a lot of hand stitched pieces this year, this is a slow process as you may imagine. There are many things a sewing machine will do better, but to stitch by hand and interact with the work in that intimate way is also a meditation on making. The making process, stitch after little stitch  carries not only the trace of the hand of the maker but the memory of the time passing. Captured in the wavering uneven lines momentary indecision and then decision, the stitches carry the story of their making.
Watching the piece build stitch by stitch allows the mind to wander, thoughs emerge and with the rhythm of the work often come great insights,discoveries and peacefulness. I have been a maker for a long time now and have not always worked in this way but I find that for this period I am happy with the slowness and the rhythm of both my life and my work. Meandering around this week I have been looking for other handstitched work that carries the memory of the slowness of the handstitched line.

Markmaking, one of my samples.

Facination is a key to productivity; it unites experiences; it is even its own reward.
Erving Polster.

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