Monday, 19 September 2011

How to make embroidered portraits

This looks like a fun idea from Country living.

Make a copy of your original photograph to avoid damaging it; if desired enlarge the image to fit your frame and mat. Fix the copy to watercolour paper with masking tape.

Use a pin to punch holes through the photocopy and the paper, outline facial contours, features,hair and clothing. To create solid lines punch closer together, for dotted lines leave more spaces between holes.

Remove the photo and use a threaded embroidery needle to sew a running stitch or backstitch along the holes, swap to thinner thread as desired. Trim the paper to fit your frame and mat.

1 comment:

Lorna May said...

I have alot of projects lined up but this has just been bumped to the top!!

Love it :oD
{Dab and a dash.}