Monday, 9 May 2011

Junk mail.

A treat for those of you who are fed up with bills, unwanted letters and all that annoying junk mail. I use mine to make fun books, very satisfying recycling all that stuff into something new, it saves me money and the outcome is something that I really enjoy using. Result! Gone are all those worries about the blank page, ruining an expensive sketchbook, gone the 'what shall I do in it', I am free to mess around in my free book, no worries.Here is one of the little devils that I've been working in, see what you think.

Here I have used the window in the envelope for a little window.

White envelopes, brown envelopes, it doesn't matter the more the merrier.


Fun aren't they, fast, free and funky. Here's how they are made.
Gather together all the junk mail that you want to use, fold the pages in half and cut open three sides of the envelope. Pile them up with the seams together and then stitch down the length of the fold. Ta dah one junk mail journal, couldn't be easier, go on you know you want too!

'A drawing a day keeps
the cobwebs away'.
Robert Genn.

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