Monday, 20 June 2011

Visual story tellers.

On this Monday morning I thought that we could enjoy the work of two illustrators Gemeo Luis and Tesa Gonzalez.
Firstly Gemeo Luis who makes his imagery through beautiful and intricate paper cuts, these paper cuts make his work interactive and accessible as he not only uses them as book illustrations but as gallery installations, wonderful, see what you think.

Strange and inventive work.
Fancy a go? See more of this work

Now the work of Tesa Gonzalez, she is a children's book illustrator who also makes beautiful short animations to promote reading in schools.

Again beautiful and unusual work. More, yes please

Art is not what you see
but what you make others see.
Georgia O'Keef


Lorna May said...

for want of a better word: amazing :o)

Rags and Tatters said...

beautiful aren't they, keep getting in touch with the child within. thanks again for your comments Lorna May.