Thursday, 10 January 2013

More lovely stuff from 'Bread and Jam'

Those of you that have been following my blog will have heard me singing the praises of 'Bread and Jam'  I thought that it was time that I took another look to see whats new. Mmmmmmmmmmmm new stuff here we go, if your an ol' softie like me then Valentines day is a way of showing that someone special that you really do appreciate them. Yes yes I know it's only January but caring is for life not just for Valentines and February isn't all that far away if your too shy to be impulsive!
Building upon their ever popular 'Random Notes' 'Bread and Jam' have dreamed up 'Random notes of Love', I know that I am not known for my soft side but these aren't too soppy, see what you think.

Being a practical sort of person sometimes saying this sort of thing is difficult but I can manage to slip this into the ol' mans lunch box and it has been known to prompt him into the odd bunch of flowers! If you think that this is a good idea you might like to treat yourself to one of their notebooks just to make sure.

Liking what you see then visit 'Bread and Jam' for more lovely stuff.

Have a great weekend. 

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